Private Portfolio Management

We recognise that your investment goals are unique. Our Private Portfolio Management Team will work with you to design a plan that matched your specific objectives, then consistently research, monitor and adjust based on your growth path.

Private Portfolio Management

Our goal is to balance the implementation of change initiatives and the maintenance of business-as-usual, while optimising return on your investments.

Managing your investments and optimizing your returns

Beyond investing in stocks and bonds. Take advantage of our years of experience and expertise by allowing us to manage your investment portfolio and enhance your asset base! Our team of skilled investment professionals has partnered with many clients over the years, providing them with valuable insight and advice.

Whether you are seeking to diversify your portfolio or maximise returns on your investments, our team is ready to guide you on a path to achieving your future investment objectives.

Our Strategic Approach

Regardless of your investment objectives, as part of the Portfolio Management Service your Portfolio Manager will apply the following process aimed at achieving investment success for you:

Additionally, we will take account of relevant developments relating to your investment portfolio, such as changes to taxation and other rules as well as the introduction of new investment opportunities.

Meet Our VM Wealth Management Advisors

Private Portfolio Management

Diversify your portfolio with a range of investment options.

Why VM Wealth's Unit Trust?

Are you looking for a secure investment option to help you meet your medium to long term goals? Bonds are the answer! They are an important part of a strategically-balanced portfolio at every stage of an investorโ€™s life.

A diverse range of financial assets

High liquidity giving you easy access to your money when you want or need it

Potentially higher returns compared to Repo Investments and Deposit Accounts

An increase in the unit price resulting in a high potential for capital gains

Simple to understand with easy tracking of your returns

An experienced team of Professional Fund Managers will provide expert management of the Unit Trust Portfolios

Unit Trust Funds

A unit trust is a form of collective investment which is constituted by a trust deed. Unit trusts are open ended investments vehicles which are used to gain exposure to a multiple of different investment strategies including fixed income, equities and real estate or a combination of these.

It allows investors to take advantage of investment opportunities in a wide variety of instruments which would not normally be available to them as individual investors.

Investment Funds

Our range of investment funds include:

  • Jamaican and US dollar Soverign and Corporate Bonds from CARICOM, USA, Canada and Europe
  • Government of Jamaica Bonds
  • Stocks of local and international companies

Maximise your return. Up to 7% per annum on USD investments.

VM Wealthโ€™s Unit Trust produces yields of up to 7% per annum on USD and 8.60% on JMD. With low management fees, no sales fee, holding period or penalty fees we ensure your portfolio is optimized to earn you the maximum return on your investment. We pride ourselves on being your investment partner as you build your financial independence.

Maximise your return. Up to 7% per annum on USD investments.

VM Wealthโ€™s Unit Trust produces yields of up to 7% per annum on USD and 8.60% on JMD. With low management fees, no sales fee, holding period or penalty fees we ensure your portfolio is optimized to earn you the maximum return on your investment. We pride ourselves on being your investment partner as you build your financial independence.

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Property Fund Auditors Report as at May 31 2024

VM Investments Limited (VMIL) โ€“ Management Changes at VM Wealth Management Ltd

Bond Fund IV Auditors Report as at May 31 2024

VM Investments Limited (VMIL) โ€“ Management Changes at VM Wealth Management Ltd

International Equity Fund Auditors Report as at May 31, 2024

VM Investments Limited (VMIL) โ€“ Management Changes at VM Wealth Management Ltd

Bond Fund III Auditors Report as at May 31 2024

VM Investments Limited (VMIL) โ€“ Management Changes at VM Wealth Management Ltd

Bond Fund II Auditors Report as at May 31, 2024

VM Investments Limited (VMIL) โ€“ Management Changes at VM Wealth Management Ltd

Bond Fund I Auditors Report as at May 31, 2024

VM Investments Limited (VMIL) โ€“ Management Changes at VM Wealth Management Ltd

Financial guidance to help with navigating the new normal

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